Getting a proper perspective to set expectations in property investment

By Tidy Ventures | Posted 20th November 2020 | Company News

Discover the truth 

Would you be surprised to learn that now is a good time to invest in property?

The covid-19 pandemic has seen the market do some crazy things. Initially, the housing market was put on pause as the whole country went into lockdown. Then, the announcement of the stamp-duty holiday combined with lockdown restrictions easing, saw Rightmove report its busiest ever summer. What this has taught us is that people are re-evaluating their homes and how they live in them like never before. People are looking for more space to work from home and a garden in which they can enjoy the outside – should lockdowns keep happening.

So while prices are still booming – so is demand. Keep your eye out for properties which tick those boxes but need some work and you’ll have the potential to make profit.

Investment in property is a long game.

One thing is sure. There is no point entering into property as a post-COVID get rich quick scheme… property investment is not a short-term prospect. There are always ups and downs. Take COVID for example. Many landlords and property investors have suffered a loss of income as a result, but this will be offset by the increase in capital growth in their property. We have experience of buying and selling property over a period of twenty five years, in which time we’ve also had ups and downs, but through them we’ve gained a wealth of wisdom. We have learnt to work with certain metrics, checks and balances which we teach people to stop them from jumping in at the deep end and ending up drowning in debt and losing money.  

Investment in property isn’t easy, you need help.

People make mistakes and making mistakes in property is really expensive. Investing in property education however, doesn’t have to cost you an arm and a leg. We made sure to tailor all of our unique training packages to be affordable and accessible to everyone so that you’ll still have money to place a deposit on a house when you’re done!

One area where most people lose a lot of money when they invest in property is by not knowing how much the refurbishment works cost. Not having an understanding of what refurb works are required to begin with, the various prices, how to work with builders effectively and what process you should have in place to avoid being ‘ripped off’ can ultimately cost thousands (if not more). We don’t want you to make those mistakes. Instead, we will educate you on how to invest safely and profitably by teaching you all you need to know.

Tidy Ventures’ training academy is called ‘Learn About Property’ and it teaches you everything you need to avoid the pitfalls we have encountered ourselves. Why not book a place on one of our courses to get you started?

Investment in property requires insights.

Knowing where to invest is just as important as being able to do the property up! Whether you are planning to rent the property or flip it, the last thing you want is to be stuck with a property to rent or sell in an area that people don’t want to live in.

The ideal area for property investment will have low council tax rates, decent schools, parks, shops, restaurants and cinemas as well as low crime rates, access to public transportation, and a growing job market. In reality, not everywhere in your budget will tick all of these boxes, so having local knowledge is invaluable. Knowing where to buy can come down to which street to buy in or not!

Why not book a Tidy Tour where we take you around the areas we recommend investing in and share our local area knowledge with you?

Investment in property is exciting.

We can help you at every stage to make sure that the decisions you make are carefully considered, planned, and calculated. Then as you progress and your investment begins to pay dividends things start to get really exciting. After being able to transform our lives through property we are committed to helping others do the same and to become financially free. Becoming financially free means different things to different people. A dream holiday, a retirement plan, working part-time or even quitting work to volunteer.

What is your dream?  

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Investment in property builds community.

Adventures in property is rewarding. One of the areas we can help you to invest is the Rhondda, where we are buying property and refurbishing it to a high specification. We are effectively raising the standard of living conditions in an area previously renowned for its poverty. We’re proud to be part of the change and look forward to seeing the area looking quite different in years to come. We are in a period of opportunity which stands to help the whole community and we’d love you to join us.

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