Training & Mentoring

Get Started in 5 Easy Steps!

1. Book a Discovery Call

Here, we can find out where you are on your journey.

2. Sign up to the Facebook Challenge

The 5-day Property Jump Start Challenge. Giving you a clear pathway to success and setting goals to support your dream.

3. Enroll on one of our Training Courses

There is something for everyone. Best of all we personally help you along the way.

4. Join Our Mentoring

Personal mentoring for those who want to make progress far more quickly and get the opportunity to spend time with us on the ‘ground’ so you can see ‘first-hand’ what really is involved rather than just reading about it.

5. Invest In Property

Time to put everything you’ve learned into practice and start your property journey for real!

Investing in property has helped transform our lives.

By using the same successful strategies that we use to invest in property, we’re now committed to help you do the same.

Property is not a get rich quick scheme. There are people offering all sorts of training courses most of whom charge a ridiculous fortune for information that is often of little use, value and outdated. With over 25 years of experience in property, the knowledge and expertise that we have accumulated and can share with you is, to put it bluntly, invaluable. It has made us and other people better investors, helped to vastly accelerate our property investment journey and prevented us from losing money.

The good news is that you can tap into and learn everything we know so you can copy what we do with the added comfort of knowing that we’re here to help you along your property investment journey.
Most people who invest in property do so to become financially free.

Being financially free means different things to different people. You might want to take more holidays, create another stream of income around your existing job, build a retirement plan, work part-time or even quit work altogether.

Well, we can help you realise those dreams, but only if you’re willing to work hard and take the necessary action to do so. As Henry Ford once said…

“If you always do what you’ve always done, you always get what you’ve always gotten”.

Henry Ford

Taking the first step and embarking on a ‘Property Investment Training Course’ is the best way to get started but you don’t have to spend tens of thousands of pounds to do so.

It is very true, “you only know, what you know” and getting educated by professionals means you get to ‘super-size’ your vision and gain the skills required to invest in property safely and successfully.

For some people, investing in Property Education has meant that they have got heavily in debt, sometimes spending the equivalent to placing a deposit for a house. We don’t want this to happen to you hence why we tailored all of our training packages to be affordable and accessible to everyone and still be able to place a deposit on a house thereafter!

Tidy Ventures training academy is called ‘Learn About Property’ that teaches you everything you need to know about property including:

  • How to get started
  • What strategy to use
  • What locations are best to invest in
  • How much to pay for a property
  • How to calculate the refurbishment costs
  • What the end value / resell value will be and so much more.

Get any of the above wrong, and trust us when we say you will lose money.

Our training packages are quite unique and contain invaluable, detailed information that isn’t available in this format anywhere else.

There really is something for everyone here.

We want to ensure you don’t make the same mistakes most people make when they invest in property. Our courses teach you how to invest safely, successfully and profitably. We’ll even hold your hand if need be, in order for you to succeed.

We do this is by teaching you how to use the same strategies we use to invest in property, some of which include how to find the right property deals to invest in, how to do so without having any money to begin with, and also how to deal with the refurbishment side of property investing, all of which will save you a small fortune.

We will give you the ‘tools’ needed to find the right deals, tools that will enable you to calculate if a deal is worth investing in and the tools to project manage the refurbishment of your properties so you can work with builders more effectively and efficiently.

Taking action and making yourself accountable is vital for success. Although we take our training seriously we want you to enjoy it but in a ‘fun way.’ We will make you accountable, motivate and push you forward so by the end of each training course you will know what strategy and the journey you need to take to reach your goals.